Friday, May 15, 2020

Hamlet Family Vs Duty - 947 Words

Family Vs Duty: Hamlet Essay The Tragedy of Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare in the renaissance era. The renaissance era is a time when playwright and art both flourishing within Europe. Shakespeare has written many plays, rather, adapted many historical events into plays, such as Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and more. The Tragedy of Hamlet is a play which dives into the psychotics of prince Hamlet the second. After his uncle kills his father and marries his mom, Hamlet witnesses the ghost of Hamlet Sr., who tells him the truth about the uncle. Hamlet manipulates, insults, and even at one point kills to do his father s bidding, and kill the new king of Denmark. But Hamlet is always unsure and doubtful. The book uses a†¦show more content†¦They both spied on Hamlet, even though there were once friends of Hamlet. Although Hamlet already suspected this betrayal, they both admire they are doing this for the betterment of the people of Denmark. Hamlet has expressed great care for these two, th at puts them in the family category. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern still had respect for their old friend, even though they treated him like a fool. Maybe Hamlet seen things their way, and considered the people over the king. It is also a possibility that Hamlet seen the two royal guards as idiotic, and did not hold them too accountable nor mature. Meaning Hamlet did not see things their way. On page 136 (Act 1 and Scene 1) It is revealed that Guildenstern and Rosencrantz were trying to milk answers from Hamlet right before the play. â€Å"He does confess he feels himself distracted. But from what cause he will by no means speak.† Then, Guildenstern adds, â€Å"Nor do we find him forward to be sounded. But with crafty madness keeps aloof when we would bring on to some confession of his true state.† (Shakespeare, 2003, p.136) An obvious example of Family Vs Duty is the two kings themselves. King Hamlet Sr., and Claudius. Claudius decided to get rid of his brother for the throne of Denmark, and his wife. Claudius poisoned the King’s ear during slumber, taking his life. As a ghost, Hamlet Sr. tells his son, Hamlet, about the tragic truth, and feels betrayed. Claudius felt as though he deserved the throne, moreShow MoreRelatedRosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead And Hamlet Analysis1294 Words   |  6 Pagesmost well known playwrights during their respective centuries they lived in. Shakespeare’s publication of Hamlet became a very popular play to read and watch. In Hamlet, the main character, Prince Hamlet, is in a great dilemma. His father is killed by his uncle Claudius, so then Claudius is able to take the throne and become the King of Denmark. Hamlet finds this out from the ghost, and Hamlet is not sure how to avenge his father’s death or whether he should even attempt to. 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